
Sunday 22 July 2018

Tsitsikamma Nature reserve volunteer butcher and farmhand


Docker Commands:

== Build image and run it ==
Only needed the first time to build it, after it was built first time use
the “sudo docker-compose up” only, no need for the “--build”

sudo docker-compose up --build

== run image ==
# no need to supply the build flag "--build' because the it is already built.
Can only use after --build has been done once. Done this way cause it spins
up in less than a second.

sudo docker-compose up

== Stopping docker ==

ctrl + c
sudo docker-compose stop

== Shows the current docker images ==

sudo docker images

== Show running containers in current .yml file ==
Shows the running containers on the system and the state containers are in

sudo docker-compose ps

== Shows the all running containers on the system ==

sudo docker ps

== clearing docker "mess" ==
This will clear out the stopped container we just ran. if we didn't do this,
we would get an error from docker-compose saying it cant create a container
with the same file name.

sudo docker-compose rm -f

== clearing docker "mess" weekly one==
Run this once a week else docker will start to use up alot of disk space.

sudo docker rmi -f $(docker images -qf dangling=true)

sudo docker-compose find container ip address
docker inspect <container id> | grep "IPAddress"

Docker compose testing commands:
sudo docker-compose exec website py.test snakeeyes/tests

sudo docker-compose exec website py.test snakeeyes/tests

sudo docker-compose exec website py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov snak

sudo docker-compose exec website flake8 .

sudo docker-compose exec website flake8 . --exclude

Leo Clone CNC Machine Learning Board Game Machine

Project: Clone of CNC machine learning board

Credit: Original designer and programmer - Shalk Heunis - Hack4 House
Using Arduino based, python, tensorflow with electro magnet and magnetic sensors to play board games by detecting magnetic board game pieces.

Video shown below of Schalk Heunis's board performing the setup for the pieces on the board.

Mid Journey Astronaut Art